Emil Nolde. Vetter der Tiefe, mit der Korrespondenz Nolde–Klee

59.50 CHF


COD: 9783864422508 Categorie: ,


Codice: 9783864422508
Titolo: Emil Nolde. Vetter der Tiefe, mit der Korrespondenz Nolde–Klee
Autore: AA.VV.
Editore: Snoeck
Anno: 2018
Argomento: arte monografie
Categoria: LIBRO
Sotto-categoria: Arte e spettacolo

Informazioni aggiuntive


The book, its title a reference to a ­characterization that his artist friend Paul Klee bestowed on Nolde, is ­pub­lished on the occasion of the ­ex­hibition »Emil Nolde« at Zentrum Paul Klee and includes, in addition to the ­illustrations of the works on show, the first ever pub­lication of ­correspondence be­tween the Nolde and Klee couples. Any encounter with the unknown ­seemed to always inspire Emil Nolde’s artistic work. In his oeuvre there are great number references to the grotesque, the fantastic and the exotic – a fascination he shared with Paul Klee. Grotesques enabled both to critically ­comment on contemporary events. Fan­tastic ­depictions in Nolde’s work stem from the ­serious examination of the unknown and uncanny and, accordingly, take a central position in his work, while in Paul Klee’s work, the realm of ghosts, ­demons and other hybrid beings as an exciting ­parallel world seems to rather serve a kind of ­edi­fication.