Lampedusa. Image Stories from the Edge of Europe

35.60 CHF


COD: 9783959051750 Categorie: ,


Codice: 9783959051750
Titolo: Lampedusa. Image Stories from the Edge of Europe
Autore: AA.VV.
Editore: Spector Books
Anno: 2017
Argomento: fotografia
Categoria: LIBRO
Sotto-categoria: Arte e spettacolo

Informazioni aggiuntive


Images are just as much in motion as people. In a globalized world they can move faster and more freely than humans. When artist Armin Linke was invited more than seven years ago to participate in a photographic project on the island of Lampedusa, he left his camera at home because he thought that there would already be plenty of photos available there. Instead, he took with him on the trip a team from the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design so that they could talk with local image makers about their photographs. Four years later, he approached Spector Books about the possibility of turning the photos and interview material he had collected into a book.